It's National Banana Split Day!

That's right, folks ... August 25th is National Banana Split Day in the U.S.A. I guess banana splits are right up there with mom, apple pie and baseball for a lot of folks.
Personally, I never could understand the attraction. Ice cream on a banana? Why ruin a perfectly good banana, or a perfectly good bowl of ice cream, by putting them in the same dish? And then, as if that wasn't bad enough, they go and put three different flavors of syrup on the ice cream. Three flavors that don't go together! Eeeeeuuuuuwwwww.
I guess I'm a purist when it comes to certain foods. And I never did like different foods touching (and contaminating) each other. I don't care that they all get mixed up together in my stomach -- it's my tastebuds I'm worried about!
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